the evolution of a painting

so i spent 3 days at Studio 3 for 
Dee Donaldson Portrait Workshop 
and once again it was AH-MAZING! 

Day one: 

i activated the canvas, on top of my charcoal drawing

after lots of color mixing 
the first marks go onto the painting

by day two it's time to connect with the eyes and the subject, 
to put some emotions in the painting 

lots of marks, observing, waiting and responding.
it feels like a dance between the painting and the painter...

i love this stage, totally immersed,
 time becomes completely irrelevant. 

i also used this tool (window cleaner) at this point, 
my new favorite, its unpredictability is perfect to
stay loose and make interesting marks

 day three is the most challenging for me. 
working on tiny details, making one mark, stepping back,
deciding at what stage am i overworking, stopping too soon... 

here i had to make the nose and wrinkles more fleshy
(kept me awake at night :)) 

and then suddenly the painting falls into place, 
it feels done and it's a strange feeling. 

there are a few things i'm still unsure about 
but i think it's complete. i am super thrill with it  
and with all that i learnt on this "dance". 


  1. Anne..merci du partage...c'est boulversant and inspirant !! I am super thrilled for you!!! what an experience it must have been... et quel resultat!!! breathtaking!!!! you are amazing!!
    I need to do this one day;))
