Faces, more faces...

i am loving working in my sketch book
drawing and painting on top of my journaling.

i helps me to stay loose, 
within the safety of the pages
unattached to the result. 


Lady Giraffe

sigh of relief... i am feeling so much better. 
oh health i shall never take you for granted! 

now a little let me introduce you to
my Lady Giraffe:

step by step:
crazy loose background, acrylics on cardboard


white chalk giraffe outline:

start filling in the gaps with paint:

finish up details with charcoal etc. : 

Lady Blue! 


i've been flat on my back with a huge cold for  the last 2 days...
no fun :(

so this is what i'm going to do for a little while:


how could i resist Alisa Burke's new online class? 

i've been a fan of her blog and work for a long time 
and now she's sharing her photography tips and tricks...
i'm in! 

i mean seriously... 
is it even possible to be this beautiful? 

our Dombeya Burgessia in all its winter glory

Feminine inspiration

blog love and photography inspiration today 
 with swedish photographer hannah lemholt

not only is she stunning (that is her above)
but her photography has got this incredible dreamlike quality 
i admire. 

all photographs via honeypielivingetc

Crowned - part two

i warned you... everybody is getting crowned 


i know, i know... a little odd...

Colour inspiration

finding colour inspiration in the most unexpected places. 
beige, yellow and blue love