so this is my
word for 2016: OPEN.
at first i had the word "explore"
and then just like that OPEN made it's way into my psyche and wouldn't leave.
to be honest, right now, i wish i had kept "explore".
i'm having a hard time getting acquainted with OPEN.
here i am trying to figure out why:
- firstly because it feels like a passive word,
not doing, just being open,
and i realise how much i value doing.
it's a big part of my persona, my worthiness, the way i show up
in the world.
- secondly being OPEN is not really my natural state.
you probably wouldn't think so if you met me, i can be pretty
outgoing and engaging but it takes me a long time to really trust
and open my shell up to someone.
also i am a loner and an introvert so my private and alone time
is sacred to me, that is how i recharge.
- thirdly OPEN feels very vulnerable... like there is nowhere to hide,
no escape plan.
of course "explore" could have been more fun.
but i can feel how OPEN is challenging me already,
pushing my boundaries,
making me expand.
and ultimately this is what i want, to be OPEN to new possibilities,
to possibilities i haven't even imagined yet...
to grow, to explore, to learn.
so i will stay with it and be all i can to honour this word this year.
OPEN, onward.