
 a few things i am loving lately: 

i've recently started to explore podcasts. wow!
 there is so much choice, so many interesting things to explore out there.

 my favourite so far are:

Magic Lessons podcast by Elizabeth Gilbert, 
i loved the whole series but if you don't have time
at least listen to the last one where she talks to 

of course i bought the books 


photos from here and here

i haven't started Rising Strong yet but i am half way through Big Magic 
and it's brilliant! 

i love her take on creativity, the way she looks at it, demystifies it and 
applies it to living. 

i also enjoyed this speech

oh and for the "frenchies" out there :)
i have just devoured this book... 
by the SWISS writer Joel Dicker

kept me on my toes and intrigued all the way! 

oh and if i had time i would take this class... 
it looks like so much fun! 
it will have to wait for a while though.

et voila, that's it for now :) 


  1. I've got the book 'big magic' as an audio; not quite the same as holding the book in my hands, but was the quickest and easiest way I could get it and I couldn't wait. Am also half-way through...

  2. oooo I have been seeing lots about these two books - I think I will dive in. I was telling Corks about Brene's writings on vulnerability and authenticity. Thanks for the referrals and that course looks wonderful! <3
