
people, it is REAL! 

today i am off to Italy 
Misty Mawn and a wonderful bunch of artists! 

and then to Switzerland to spend some time with my family! 

i will see you back here in October, 
in the mean time keep on shining 
and remember that love is in the details

big love, 

last Royalty for now

Mr. Will

fifth chakra, "surrender personal will to divine will" 

Grace: Counsel
Shadow Passion: Spiritual Gluttony

soon i'll hopefully be able to introduce you to the last 3 Kings! 

more Royalty

Mr. Love

fourth chakra (No 3 isn't finished yet...),
 "love is divine power"

Grace: Fortitude
Shadow Passion: Wrath

Reflection and gratitude.

we find what we are looking for... 


Royalty two

this is Mr. Power, 

second chakra, "honor one another" 

Grace: Piety
Shadow Passion: Greed & Vengeance 


so here is the story behind my ceramic Kings. 

the 4 finished Kings, the other 3 coming soon (hopefully!)

i've been a Caroline Myss fan for a very long time. 
in her book "Defy Gravity"
she delves deeper into the 7 chakras, 
the 7 graces, 7 shadow passions;
their link to health,  to spirituality and to how we "do" life.  

my chakra "map"

i wanted something tangible to help me grasp the concept
and remind me daily to be mindful of how i conduct my life. 

and that is where the idea of the Kings came about.
i set out to hand build one ceramic King per chakra. 

four of them are now finished, 
let me introduce you to the first one, 

 Mr. Tribe:

first chakra: "all is one" 

Grace: Reverence 
Shadow Passion: Pride & Shame 

a gift of delight

always inspired by Diane Culhane's 
whimsical paintings
and her take on creativity
(more here)  

Small plate

Painted Seeds

“And that’s the whole thing: Trust it. Trust it. Trust it. Creativity is not something that goes away. It’s not something you lose. It’s not something you gain by merit because you have a measure of success in your head. It’s the gift of delight.” 
Diane Culhane


all painting by Diane Culhane, 
photos via Pinterest

dream world

i painted this for a little friend's birthday coming soon. 

her mom had commissioned me to paint her daughter's vision of heaven... 
you can guess she loves reading! 

this is my interpretation  

DREAMING - Acrylic on canvas (100/70cm) 

a completely new experience, to paint with a theme, a story to follow. 
it took me on a very interesting journey and stretched me in many new ways. 

i hope it matches her dreams!  

finishing touches

yesterday i spent the morning 
putting finishing touches to 
a few of my paintings;

signed and named i'm sending them out into the world...

a little nervous and super thrilled! 


this week seems to be a bit of a mad rush.
finishing things off, wrapping, sending, 
organizing, preparing... 

i have had no time to photograph my new stuff.
so for now i will leave you with 
my side/procrastination project 
of book/journal making

play date

the 4 of us had a play date this week, 
we were practicing for our upcoming 

we had a blast, dancing and "arting" 

and once again i witnessed creativity working its magic... 
hands moving, heart singing and blossoming from within! 

do you want to come and play to?